Can you think of a business process in your organization that is inefficient or time consuming, yet no one has been able to change the process for the better? When you know the steps to follow, eliminating waste is easier than you think!
In today’s episode, which features a session from bbcon 2020 Virtual, Jackie Huffman, Operational Excellence Engineer at Blackbaud, shares how to analyze your business processes by identifying and removing waste. Learn how to identify value-add and non-value add steps and ultimately improve your constituent experience.
Topics Discussed in This Episode:
Guidebook to Becoming a Lean Organization
7 Steps for a Successful Lean Implementation at your Nonprofit
Quiz: How Lean is Your Business Office?
“Anything that does not meet the value-add definition is what we consider waste.”
“The problem with waste is that it consumes our valuable resources of our people’s time.”
“Because transportation is not something we’re willing to pay for, it is clearly a waste.”